Get manifest with the Design Science Studio’s inaugural salon:
“Becoming the Regenaissance” — BEAM(ing) DECEMBER 10th ONLINE
Blueprints created from imitating Nature’s microcosm.
Evolution’s story our script…
Crystals reveal NATURE’s coordinate system… the BOX has been a sort of prison that has blinded us from seeing energy’s dance of creation.
The pioneers of the future will go through a perceptual shift in our understanding of the way energy creates existence that will allow us to collaborate creatively and directly with Nature.
Civilization becomes Organism.
The Elemental Intelligence creates what we recognize as LIFE…
the genie in US… the inner genius… our true identity…
Trans-species communication exists at a cellular level…
Learning to trust intuitive instinct promptings …ego to follow soul… be soul…
The Cubit measure is from your elbow to the tip of your fingers… they vary from person to person…my Cubit measures 18.5” (very average)… if you make Crystal Lattice struts 18.5” long… the parallel boards end up on 16” centers… perfect for universally available contemporary building materials… minimum waste.
Manifesting — Rock
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